Sunday, December 25, 2005

Santa Was Here

Ho Ho Ho!
It's Christmas! It's Christmas! Wake up everybody, it's Christmas!

This year, I was the one in need of waking up. The whole Tabamo clan was here some few hours ago for the annual Christmas reunion. And of course, what Tabamo clan reunion is complete without the FOOD, CHILDREN, NOISE, TONG-ITS and VIDEOKE? Sorry, no cell phone is still with Semicon for repair.

Anyway, stayed hidden in my room most of the time due to allergies, headache and fear of being nagged about my lovelife. Some brat mouthed something about the possibility of me having an "it", but of course, aside from MSG and fans club and someone I refuse to talk about now, Lovelife is like the HARRY POTTER series - it's slow to unfold, keeps you in suspense and it's all make-believe. The rumors are actually somewhat correct, they got an existent guy. Correct name. But that's as far as everything goes. Yes, I like him. Yes, we did go out sometime. But no, we're not IT, and no, I don't think he'll ever pursue me. End of story.

On the MSG front, I pity the poor guy, but what's a girl to do? I've told him subtly before that we should be friends first and I don't think he's in love with me when he doesn't even know me that well. I've tolerated (!!) his text messages because they were innocent enough, forwarded messages that inspire and sometimes makes me laugh. The past couple of nights I began to wonder if he's into rugby or something...

"I love you, love you so very much!", "It's a sin to love you, forgive me!"...frightens me a lot...I dunno. I asked him "hoy, anong tinitira mo? Nakainom ka ba?" - joking, but it's half meant. Instead, he said he was serious and relieved that he, at last, was able to say it. He asked if he should stop feeling the way he does - short of asking me if he stood a chance. He implored me not to joke around. I told him, in the nicest way, that I don't think he knows me that well to love me, and I can't entertain him when I don't know him as well. I don't know if he gets my drift, but for now, ignoring his messages is all I can do to save us both the hassle.

Back to the Christmas front, I opened up all my presents. This time, I got a whole lotta kikay stuff...make-up case, make-up, vanity sets, lotion and manicure sets...and a very pink pink Elle-would-have-been-envious-of-me bath towel set. I can't imagine!

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