Thursday, October 23, 2008

Goodbye to Papa

Sad news.

Papa (my maternal grandfather) passed away due to kidney failure last October 18, Saturday. He was 89 years old.

I would have thought (and a lot were hoping) that this will put a period to the ugly feud among the siblings. But the interment yesterday was uneventful and we went home wondering if they would, too, go to the grave carrying their angst, the animosity and unforgiveness.

I'd been stressed out a little during the wake. For one, (Princess of the Unemployed) little sister is finally getting on my nerves about being...well, a snob. Repeat after me: 90% ego + 10% angst = 0 substance. She had the gall to look at me last Monday night, from across a chapel room full of people, and ask as if I was her personal maid, "Yung laptop?". If the laptop was in my hand, I'd have hit her head with it.

I had just come from the office, was nearly crying out of ire and frustration on my way to St. Peter (out of sheer anger for some big bosses here), was just barely containing it, and so, I would have let all hell break loose if I'd been allowed to. But husband stepped in the middle, shushed me like a little kindergarten kid, and made me feel worse. What ensued was another silent world war 3 that earned me a sleepless night and puffy eyes, and him...a drunken night with my cousins (Of course, we couldn't stay mad at each other for more than 24 hours, but I sure did try! hehehe).

But I got my point across. I'm still waiting to shake my fist at my sister (who, I forgot to mention, refers to me and Ate as "evil sisters" with me being the more evil) but I think Ate got to it first.

Anyway, back to the topic of is sad news. Sadder still to see my uncles and aunts being so unforgiving. Papa went to his Maker asking for forgiveness, and I am sure he was heartbroken that even if he was forgiven, he wasn't given time to enjoy it...I hate to see his kids experience the same.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The BSP's EFLC Launch

After months and endless preparation, the EFLC launching FINALLY pushed through last October 3. There are still tons of things to be done, but officially, the facility is open (by appointment, as per the press release...).

The EFLC is a combination of Library, Statistical Center, Exhibit area and internet cafe (yes, free internet access, WiFi, access to some database etc etc). The second floor, which will house the EFLC staff, is not yet finished, and our tables and chairs are yet to be delivered. Except during the launch itself, the facility has no proper air conditioning yet. And the furnitures (oh by golly, the furnitures!) aren't complete yet, though by looking at the area, I'd say we're over-stuffed.

Anyway, I had fun at the launching...I got to buy me a new blouse (from Guess, heehee) and I got to bring home some flowers. The waiters crowded around me because I was in-charge of the "loot bags" (which contained pad paper, brochure and a pen) and because I probably look cute, pregnant and all. I got to practice my new-found friendliness (believe it or not, I didn't get tired of smiling) and well....just felt good being part of the group that will become the EFLC staff.

Anyways. everything's all quiet now...we've settled down again to the normal humdrum activities of updating database, website, reviewing presentations, checking if hardwares and equipments are intact and okay.

The only thing that makes me sad, though, is that it won't be ready of "occupancy" until January next year. So the staff will be moving while I'm on maternity leave. I won't be there!!! huhu. Oh well...