Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Early Birthday Gifts

Two days before THE DAY, I got to take home a whole Goldilocks' egg pie, c/o Richel. The whole group tormented him for a week to treat us to egg pie, and he obliged yesterday, and bought two. I know from experience that he would have taken home the other one, but the others were merciless and "forced" him to give it to me as birthday gift...actually, "panuhol" (bribe) for my mom. Errrr...

Today, the V ladies, Michelle, Jed and Cherrie, with Angel girl Raquel in tow, dropped by to give me a present. =) It was a pleasant albeit awkward surprise as I haven't been on friendly talking terms with some of them. But to make a long long story short, all's forgiven and forgotten (and here I was thinking I am not so forgiving and have a memory like a camel's). Richel took pictures, and here we are...

Striking a pose...

And the winner gift? Mother Nature sent me colds and a mild fever today. Mother Nature has a sense of humor...on a one-day leave, and I have to spend it resting!

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