Sunday, February 25, 2007

I made it!

Excuse me...I'm just passing by to sing..

I made it through the wilderness....

Looks like we made it!!!

I did it my way!


Well, the compre exams is a thing I can now file under Stressful Events of my life. I'm not particularly hoping to get super high grades, seeing how I studied the last few days (online chatting with errrrr, people). The most important thing now is surviving it. And boy, did I just barely survived it!


- My carbonated water burst. Papers and folders got wet. Fortunately, the finished ones were already stored inside the folder and all that got wet were my printouts and the current question I was working on.

- Bad timing of LBM. In the middle of the second question of the FIRST subject.

So now, the only thing standing between me and that masteral degree is the result of that compre exams. But I'm not gonna worry myself sick over that. It's outta my hands. For now, I'm concetrating on pursuing other enjoyable aspects of my life. Next in line: Korean lessons.
And yes, dating.

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