Monday, February 26, 2007

Another One for the Dustbin

Though it hurts my pride to accept it, maybe you're just not for me. I know you just need a friend for now, and it's all that I can be for you. You don't have doors to close because you've never opened them for me, so now, I'm the one closing my doors to you.

I can't sit and wait for you to look at me and realize I'm your "The One". My life would be so totally wasted searching for things that may not even be there. The energy and emotions I've invested on you are enough, and I've reached my limit. I can see you're just needy, and weak and not wanting to be alone. While I'd gladly provide you with some entertainment, I'm not a convenience store open 24/7.

I'm your friend, but on my definition and bounderies of friendship. Sure, you can call me selfish for now, but I can see where this one-way avenue is heading. I'm stopping now and backing out while I can still find my way.

So sorry if your messages will remain unreplied to, or if my shoulder won't be there for you to lean on. I've been stupid enough, believing it would all work out somehow. I won't be here forever to wipe away your tears, so we might as well get used to it.

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