Monday, January 01, 2007

The Year That Was...2006 in Retrospect

Well, well. It's officially 2007! HAPPY NEW YEAR, y'all.

Let's see.

January. Well, of course, it was boring boring. I think after the frenzy of Christmas, January must seem like a sleepy month.

February. The Love Month. Still single. Yep. But at least I got a couple of "Happy Valentine's Day" from boys. Duh.

March. Dad's "mystery" illness became evident. Cannot use right arm. Pain standing up for long times. Can't sleep. As an escape route, I started to go to the gym again. Flirted for a while with Franzen-look-a-like trainor. Double Duh.

April. Plans to travel to Korea postponed. Dad was hospitalized, operated on and suspected to have lung cancer. Terminal stage. We were blessed to have our SGS community who provided us with backbone - the strength to continue praying, hoping and believing. Mr. Shy Guy continued to be the all-day, all-night text companion. Though I don't really think of him in a romantic way, I was thankful for such wonderful "friend" who's text messages kept me smiling.

May. A, luck started to turn around. Dad was diagnosed to have multiple myeloma. Though a bit similar to bone cancer, it is easier to treat. Could breathe easier now, thanks a lot. Scheduled trip to Seoul, Korea pushed through. Had the time of our lives. Met interesting dorm-mates. Got a proposal from a strange guy. Duh, duh and duh.

June. Dad's health improving. My crying bouts at the office stopped and everything turned hopeful as we await the arrival of my first niece.

July. Marygwen Hermione O. Nalzaro was born on July 2. Just as Manny Pacman Pacquia0 was making mush of Erik Morales. Har har har.

August. Got my driver's license! Can finally drive. Except that I don't own a car. Dad still drives and after proving my skill (or the lack of it) , dad decided he'd live longer if he drove the car himself.

September. Uh, was this the month Searchee Number 2 announced his first intention to court me? I think...

October. Mr. FX Driver enters the scene. Friendly at first...Though he's genuinely friendly and sincere, the fact that he's makulet scares me.

November. Fontana trip for Myke's despedida de soltera.

December. My birth month. My shining month. This must be the only time in the year that all forces contrive to make me very very happy, ecstatic, proud and immodest. Got three men all declaring their undying love. The Searchee Number 2 goes for the Second Round. With the same result. MFXDriver couldn't contain his bursting heart and got snubbed. The guy labeled "Ignore" in my cellphone, told me he'd waited 7 long years to tell me of his feelings. That he waited till he finally got a hold of his life, found his direction, so he could offer me something. That he wants to be stable first, then propose marriage. ODD. Because he's never met me. He's met the IDEA of me when a friend told him about me, gave him my number and we SMSed each other over the years. Harmless, platonic text messages.

Most of the time, I had allergies. Sneezing every morning. Watery eyes, clogged nose. I have a sense of smell only a few days a year.

My year was a blur, as always. But what a blur. I think I'm finally LIVING it...I also achieved my "When I turn 30" goals...though I still have to complete my masters degree...and get myself a decent, respectable, mature man.

This year, I vow to:

1. Travel, travel, and more travel.
2. Read more often.
3. Learn Korean. Formally. So I can speak it. And comprehend it. Not just read it.
4. Get rid of the "useless" junk in my room.
5. Be more generous. Give to charity. Support an NGO, not just give monetary donations.
6. Diet. Diet. Not just staying slim, but making sure I'm healthy and fit.
7. Less splurges on shoes. In 2006, I must have bought over a dozen shoes. That's like one pair a month. *Cross my fingers I'll be able to keep this one
8. Make friends. Be more cheerful and open.
9. Bake more often.
10. Date more often. He he he.

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