Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The cat and mouse

Am I the cat or the mouse? On one hand, I feel like I am the one in power, playing the game, hiding, dodging Fate's silly games.

But why do I get the feeling I'm being followed, preyed upon, my safety under threat? I want to leave the past behind, I have said all I have said, explained my decision for the nth time. I have made it final and known. I have forgiven, but does that mean I am willing to forget?

It is tiring, to have to watch my back for shadows. It is exhausting to have to resort to hide-and-seek.

I am only playing fair. I cannot give as much as he's willing to give to me, and though he hasn't asked for anything- nay, willing to not even receive any at all from me- I am not so selfish as to rub the insult in.

I'm giving him his freedom, why won't he take it and give me mine?

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