Saturday, October 22, 2005


Our next MMPA subject is TPPA - Theories and Practices in Public Administration. I must admit that I got quite a scare just hearing "Dr. Gascon" yesterday when I asked PM (our class president) about it. "Dr. Gascon" seem more, errr, for lack of a proper term, strict. PM and I assumed "Dr. Gascon" is a he.

Imagine my near heart-attack when PM asked me to greet/fetch "Dr. Gascon" at the lobby this morning since he'll be coming in late. I wanted to tell him I've just left home, but I knew that if anyone can tell I'm lying, it would be PM. So I told him I' m on my way.

"Dr. Gascon" turned out to be a she. And rather pleasant, though, true to my instinct, she is quite strict. No "Prof. Hicap", she was 30 mins. early. She stressed the importance of attendance, laid down the requirements at the start of the class. She handled the topics quite well...if there were some minor weaknesses, it would be the "ego". But I suspect every learned person, displaying his/her knowledge to an audience, must possess the necessary quantity of over self-confidence to be credible.

PS: N-ELL Non-existent Lovelife

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