Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I don't know why but I'm not feeling specially perky today...hmm, parang ang sarap mag emote emote.

I ended up reading back issues of Fug Yourself. Then skipped and read my blog's archives. Yay, ang senti ko talaga. I managed to go over the first two months and here are some of my favorites:

*But the gloom of goodbye sometimes eclipses the sunshine of new beginnings. *

* I wonder what my dream meant. I've always believed dreams tell us something, a past unforgotten, a present unresolved and a future awaiting...The fact that it was so vivid excites me. *

* i was wrong
about so many things
about him
about us
it was all a joke
a dream at its best
now i close my eyes
and my doors
and wake from this
sleep *

Argh. What's happening to me? Birthday blues coming three weeks early???

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