Saturday, November 11, 2006

Guilty and Jumbo

Guilty again?

I refuse to give in to that guilty feeling. Though I may have had an inkling that this could happen, I am never an "assumptionist" to think that just because some guy talks to me means he's head over heels in love with me. Or that if he asks for my number that he's going to court me. Guillible me? Naive? Maybe. But I can't figure out what goes on while the wheels in a guy's mind are turning...

So, let him be. Not that I don't care that someone's probably getting hurt here, but I know this is beyond my powers. If I seem too chatty and Fate decides it's a come-on, that's not my problem anymore. I've done my part said my NO.

Anyway, here are a couple of pics taken at Jumbo Floating Restaurant where I met up with my sisters, brother-in-law and Nonok (sya lang ang may pangalan, dba?) this afternoon. It's my first time (yech, it's just several stones' throw away from BSP!) to step aboard (though I wasn't able to eat since I already had my lunch during class).

I'm actually spending most of my free days here in Taytay, to take care of Nonok so Nanay can rest for a day. No wonder my lovelife's zilch.

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