Monday, October 02, 2006


Signal number 3 and we're reduced to the Dark Ages. Great!

No kidding. Aside from having no electricity for 4 days (and 4 nights, and still counting!) there are no telephone lines in our area, save if you're a Bayantel user (paging PLDT customer service!)

I spent the better part of the weekend serving at SGS's Life in the Spirit Seminar, coz dad (miraculously!) is a participant. But the nights are spent in agony, twiddling my thumbs and looking for more ways than one to light a candle. I'm luckier than most because I can fall asleep relatively easier than anyone I know, so by the time my brain is ready to get addled from the heat, I would be counting sleep in la la land.

This is the reason why I cannot be a rural girl. Call me a snob, but I need electricity to function, never mind if I am so tipid with it. Even my mobile, which is supposed to be dependable in times of calamity, did a number on me and refused to scroll at the height of Milenio. To top it off, a portion of my bedroom's roof was destroyed, so my bed, the sofa bed and everything on top and underneath (boxes of Korean series CDs, photos) including Didi, got an underserved bath. Didi managed with a quick change of outfit (just about time, since he's dressed in a sando, now he's wearing a vest) but the rest had to be sun-dried like raisins.

I was asked to do some important work on Friday, (no nation can survive a website-less CB) and I caught sight of the shanties along Araneta Ave. Compared to my room, these structures managed to hold their own against the strong winds. Barely able to stand erect, and with old tires holding their roof together, the shanties were happily lit and the people who live in them were outside the streets as if no disaster has struck them. Well, compared to hunger, illiteracy and days of endless hopelessness, what could one storm be?

Anyway, aside from the weekend LSS, my highschool barkada and I had dinner at Little Asia along T. Morato and then later went Videoke-ing at IO to bid Weng goodbye. She'll be flying off to US of A to search for greener pastures, and then maybe some gree-eyed bull as well. Ahh, I maybe the last of the good girls to get off this forsaken country.

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