Saturday, October 14, 2006

From Boring To Predictable

My life may have taken a turn from boring to predictable. So predictable that I am on first name basis now with the FX driver. He's just about figured that I would be at Welcome, Rotanda at 6:45 a.m. and, if I am not lugging around a big backpack or sports bag, I am not going to go to the gym and would be out of the office gate by 6:45 p.m.

Scary huh?

And since he's been nice enough to not pick up a 10th passenger so he could accomodate me, I can at least be a litte nice to him. My mom warned me to take note of the FX's plate number and that he could be a bad element, but I believe I really have an innate sensor that triggers the warning signs with people. I've more or less escaped being a victim of hold-up and scams. Except of course for the perennial "utang between friends", some of which remain uncollected. But that is a different story altogether.

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