Monday, March 26, 2007

Surviving Hong Kong

Travelling alone, it seems, is best for my "luck". When travelling with companions, I would encounter problems with my documents, clothes, direction, etc. Going to Hong Kong alone, my trips (both to and fro) were smooth sailing.

Day 1.

Was scared I would get detained at immigrations because of bad health. Earlier on, I had caught the colds and was on medication. MDC was even hesitant to issue a medical clearance.

I was early at the airport, prepared for any eventuality. I cleared my bags of any liquids, gels and stuff that would make me even remotely suspicious. I said my rosary and stayed as quiet as possible, even if I seemed snubbish to the rest of the HK-bound Filipinas.

I arrived safe and sound at HKIA. First order was to give Tita Mary, my sis' mother-in-law, a call. She wasn't home. And I learned the hard way that the pay phone doesn't give change.

Took the Airport Express trying not to look stupid. Ha ha ha. Almost managed it, except that I made the wrong turn...Heehee. Being alone in a strange land made overcome my shyness. I was asking for directions here and there, and people did seem really accommodating. I got into the hotel shuttle and was brought to the hotel. The ride was quiet - I was the only passenger. They were a stickler for punctuality and when they say the bus would leave at 12:30, it would leave at that exact time.

Lan Kwai Fong Hotel. Okay. So my credit card was denied...what could I expect? I paid in cash for the 3 nights stay, plus a thousand in deposit. Hmm, checked my purse, I still had enough to get decent food and stuff for the rest of my stay.

The Hotel room was surprisingly small for a costly hotel. It had a bathtub, though. HURRAH!!!! Darn, I did not bring any bath salts or foam. I unpacked, checked my schedule, opened the envelope BIS left for me, and went to look for a phone.

I managed to find IFC mall by just getting lost with the crowd. Hahaha. I was happy it would only take me a few minutes to walk to IFC, where the workshop would be held, from the hotel.

Here's a tip for the travellers wanting to use the payphone: Get plenty of coins. I must have spent 10 HKD trying to contact Tita Mary. Three times, she could not hear me even if I was literally making a spectacle of myself, screaming in such a busy place.

Back to the hotel, I decided to risk additional room charges and made the call, with my tummy begging for some food, and my feet some rest. I had bought some bottled water and cookies at Watsons so I could get some coins for the phone. After calling Tita, I soaked myself in hot water and prayed I would not fall asleep and be drown. I was probably so anxious about the workshop that I can't even manage to relax, even with the complimentary bath salts, hot water and bath tub. What I had planned to be an hour long soak turned to a 15 minute tumbling and turning and 5 minute rinse. Sigh. I am not enjoying this. So far, I have yet to feel the exhiliration of being the official bank rep to a seminar.

Tita Mary arrived a few minutes later, having gotten lost. Apparently, there are two Lan Kwai Fong Hotels in the area...okay, I'm not going into details about that...what I do know is that every poor miserable soul looking for my hotel got lost. THAT is probably why they offer free shuttle pick-up from the HK station.

Tita and I took the tram going to ISH, and I was early for the meet-up. I took my sweet time freshening up (uh, working up the nerves to go to the lobby and meet the rest) at the ladies' room (which is like, almost bigger than my hotel room).

The first participant I met was Chitrani, from Sri Lanka. I knew she looked familiar (well, with that Sari, she would!) because she was also staying at LKF. A round of introductions by Candy...There's Chia from Singapore, Aree from Thailand, Steven from the BIS and Mr. Oh from Korea.

---more tomorrow ---------

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