Monday, May 08, 2006

Korea Day II

Got our luggages at around 8 am. Finally, clean clothes! My beloved toothbrush!

Had breakfast at the hostel. Chalked up a conversation with Henry, the German guy. Last night, we made friends with Benye, the guy from Madagascar. Also, at around 1:30 am, Japanese tourist Yoko came to check in, and we opened the door thinking it was our we had to turn her away and refer her to the nearest hotel...To our infinite relief, she's back, well-rested. ^^ None the worse for wear.

Went to 경복궁 (Gyeongbokgung Palace) and was able to watch the ceremony of the changing of the royal palace guards. Had some pictures taken, too. The insides of the palaces (or the many buildings inside the palace) were splendid!

Visited the museum, where we had more pictures taken...I almost lost Jed in the chaotic mix of students (Jed and I think it's field-trip day) and tourists. Bought souvenirs at the museum.

Home to rest..just a few blissful minutes of putting up our dead-tired feet and trying out the free internet to send chikka messages to our families. Oopps, had to call Louise, too. We agreed to meet at Baskin's near exit 4 of Hyehwa Station. Rather than take the subway, we asked the tourist info center for directions, and was advised to take bus number 150. He also gave us a piece of paper to give to the bus driver. That helped a lot...But then, there were two Baskins at that place, and Jed and I waited at the wrong one. I could die of embarrassment when Unni reminded me of exit 4. Miane, chingu!

We had dinner with Louise and Unni Yun Jeong (Louise's best friend who works at Russ - lucky lucky girl!) at a traditional Korean restaurant with traditional Korean music and the works. Then they took us up to Mt. Namsan Tower for a spectacular view of Seoul...365 degrees! Brr, cold weather!

The Namsan Tower...and the two tourists who went "oohhh and ahhh" at the top.

It was also the first time of Unni Yun Jeong to come up Mt. Namsan. Chingu Louise was at first apprehensive about going to Mt. Namsan at night.

Home at around 12. My feet were alien to me!

Hay, This is life!

For more pics, visit my flickr site...

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