Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dream..Believe...BSP Singers' 3rd Concert

Originally scheduled on 30 July 2008, the BSP Singers' concert finally pushed through today, 13 August. Despite having a bad case of cough and colds, and almost (almost...) not fitting into my corset-top, mermaid-bottom gown, I was able to make it as last performance with the chorale until I give birth...Thanks to a lot of plea bargaining with God, warm tea and Jam's midnight Vicks chest and back rubs.

I'm two weeks into my 4th month...and hey, I've got boobs! Too bad for self portraits, I didn't notice the dirty mirror. duh!

Finally, Tita Norie took pity on me taking self-photos...Here's me in full costume, inside the huge cabinet (yes, we've been known to sleep inside this thing) while waiting for curtain call.

Surprisingly, despite our doubts, the concert was a resounding success. We thought the less-than-an-hour lunch concert would attract only a handful of fans (plus some Hakots) but lo and behold! people were already standing due to lack of chairs...wait a minute...did somebody remarked there were only 10 seats? Joke.


Anonymous said...

Hi, i read you had a case of allergies too. My doc diagnosed me with hives or urticaria, i am quite bothered by the itching, my eyes and lips are affected, and iterax gives me peace when i take it. well, what can you say, will this go away?

Anonymous said...

hi..can i be part of your chorale? i'm Joyce Maureen Abuton 18years old. since 1998-2009 i'm a choir member. right now i'm handling our masscom. chorale in our school. i'm a choir conductor and pianist. my contact number is: 09055922495
e-mail add is:

pls. inform me if i can join to your chorale. thank you have a bless day.