Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thunderstorm Ramblings

"It's easy to betray a man when the memory of his face has faded." I got this from an Iris Johansen Book, the Lion Bride.

Well, I'm not exactly betraying him, because there is nothing to betray. But I'm realizing that as the days pass and the lack of communication continues, the "yearning" is also fading. I no longer look for him, wanting to talk to him, or know whatever little new tidbit there is in his life. The mermory of his face has faded.

On other fronts:

Weather: Still bad. I can see Manila Bay from here and it's a scary sight. If I'd been courageous enough, I'd go to the roofdeck and take pictures. But as I have left my camera at home, and the wind is strong enough to blow me away, I'd rather stay safe and cozy at my little nook here at the office, where I have a good view of the storm outside.

Gym: Postponed yet again due to bad weather. Still in need of serious thigh workouts.

Diet: Can't give up rice. No way. The days of Atkins are over. Slowly going back to my oatmeal breakfast.

Boys: Nil. make that NIL

Studies: 4 more subjects to go.

Driving: 5 more hours to go.

Life in general: I'd give it 3 stars (out of five)

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