Monday, May 24, 2010

The second time around is...

I'm re-reading old blog entries, trying to find out how I managed to survive my first pregnancy...or how difficult it was compared to this second time. For sure, I was able to join the chorale's concert in August, attend PRAISE awarding in I guess, I was feeling better by my 4th month...Hmmm. If I'm gonna be lucky and have a repeat performance, I should be well on my way to eating right by June.

I'm on my 9th week now, and so far, I've managed not to gain weight. Except for a couple of unbottoned pants, I still fit in all my clothes, undies included. I'm anemic, and my BP is 98/54. I think the heat, added to the strain of having to look for a new house, is taking it's toll on my body. Most of the time, the only food I manage to retain in my stomach is dinner, because I try to immediately sleep after eating, even if I have to sleep propped up.

I really feel guilty (as well as pity for Jerard) because now, his mommy can't clock in 100% attention. Most of the time, I feel so nauseated and weak that I have no choice but to give him to his yaya. Fortunately, he and Nelsy do get along well.

I'm really hoping the new baby would be a she...I don't think I want a third pregnancy...I'm not getting better at it.

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