Thursday, December 13, 2007

What's Up, Doc?

Ei! so it's been a long long while...haha. So what's up with me?

Well, aside from having seem to have lost myself in the chaotic world of work, family, and lovelife, nothing much. I underwent self-rehab of my meebo (chatting) addiction and managed to replace it with handmade soap addiction...hahaha.

In my quest to find the perfect organic soap for wedding favors (hint hint hint of things to come...) I managed to find three providers and now, my rooms smell so heavenly...peppermint, cranberry, lavander, mint, strawberry...I ordered an additional batch of mango butter. I'll be giving these soaps as christmas presents...and I'm finding it hard since I want to keep several to myself.

In addition, I've also began preparing for...hold your breath and close your upcoming wedding. Hehe, of course, mine and Jam's. It's crazy, I know, rushing from single blissfulness to it's-complicated to in-a-relationship and finally to marital unknown, but Jam and I have decided to stick it out with each other, for better or worse, in sickness (mine is mental, his is physical) and in health, til heavens take us apart. Of course, there are times when I want to throw a tantrum and be single again, especially when some old meeboers would call for an EB, and I want to go but cannot...there are times when I want to go for a movie (read: Bea and John Lloyd's One More Chance) and he'd rather sleep the whole day off...

Being in "in-a-relationship" has changed me quite a lot. Quite frankly, I've mellowed down a bit, maybe because in some ways, he's my exact opposite and I can see the world in his perspective. I've begun to understand a lot about things I never minded before. I'm more relaxed now (though still giving in to nagging episodes and OC tendencies). Some people noted I've become less quarrelsome and intimidating...though still pretty (yun yun eh!)

Anyhows, my days are crammed with searching for quaint churches, worrying about birth certifucates, bridal and entourage outfit costs, reception venues and caterers.

Oh, yes, instead of a September 2008 wedding which we originally planned, we'll be going for a March 2008 date at the altar...a bit rushed, yes, but I've always thrived on cramped calendars.

So wish us luck!