It's been quite a while since my last post...I've often acknowledged that happiness makes me tongue-tied. ^^
We're doing well...just very recently barely made it past another break-up. What's so funny is we don't even fight, but we have break-ups.
He's met most of my family, has been paraded before the Tabamo clan, my officemates and choirmates. The Community is in the know (they really are fanatics of my uneventful love life, and keeps watchful eyes of the men I mingle with during prayer meetings).
All's not sunshine and butterflies, however. We are still struggling with his health worries, his job opportunities (he resigned due to health reasons), and stuff. Sometimes, these get to him and he wants out.
I sometimes wish I am free, that my time and decisions belong to me and me alone. Sometimes I wish I could still date and flirt. Sometimes, these get to me and I would want out.
But I've decidied to hang on. And not hold myself back from loving him.